Infectious Disease
A WebQuest for 8th
Grade Science
Designed by
Mr. Kopf
Diseases are among us!
Protect Yourself!
This document will guide you through your Webquest on a
discovery of understanding Infectious Diseases and Preventions. You will read to gain an understanding
of Infectious Diseases, Decode important terms in the war against disease,
Listen to prevention techniques, Warn others, and much, much, more.
You will not go on this journey alone. You will be teamed with one partner to
reach your goal of understanding “What is Infectious Disease” and “How can it
be prevented”?
After learning about Infectious Diseases, you will learn
about Infectious Disease preventions and inform others by:
- creating a PP slide used to inform students at Fanning Middle School of Infectious Disease Prevention Methods. These slides will be assimilated with other slides and presented in classrooms around our school.
To complete this journey and warn those around you, you will
need to follow the steps below carefully.
It is essential to first educate and understand and then share it with
the world around you.
- First, follow this link to the Mayo Clinic to begin learning about Infectious Diseases. Once you reach your destination, write the definition provided for Infectious Disease and note the causes and how they are spread.
- Second, watch this video from Discovery Education. It is about 2 minutes. In your notes, record your discovery of another name for Infectious Diseases and begin making a list of causes and preventions. You may want to use Cornell Notes as an organizer:
- Third, gain access to these coded words at the link provided. Print this page and keep it with your notes after you have completed Unscrambling these words and reviewing the definitions:
- Fourth, now you are ready for some true detective work in the war against Infectious Disease. Choose one of the Case Studies listed below (there are four, but only choose 1). After your investigation, follow the fifth link below to complete your “Case Study Notes”. Print this document and keep it with your notes and Unscrambled Words.
- Diarrheal Disease:
- HIV:
- Smallpox:
- Malaria:
- Case Study Notes:
- Fifth, it is now time for prevention. Watch the 3 minute video by following the link provided. Record in your notes preventions discussed in the video:
- Sixth, Follow the link to the Infectious Disease Preventions brochure. You are now ready to assist the CDC in the prevention of Infectious Diseases. This is an important document as you warn and inform others. Once you have read the document in full, ask your teacher to assign you a prevention method from the brochure:
- Seventh, Time to inform your peers. You will create a PP slide of your preventative method – ONLY 1 SLIDE. The slide needs to include:
- The prevention method title (what is the action).
- A written description of the prevention (remember your PP training).
- A picture(s) to assist in describing the preventative method.
- Last, after you have completed these 7 steps on your journey turn in your notes, Unscrambled Words document, and Case Study Notes (remember to put your names on the documents). Then, email your PP slide to
- If you finish before your classmates, follow this link to play MedMyst an online Infectious Disease game:
This Rubric will assist you on your Journey. Each student will be assigned an
individual grade based on your work as a group.
See Rubric on next page.
When you have completed this assignment, you will understand
the meaning of Infectious Disease, name some of the causes, researched an
Infectious Disease Case Study, and created a preventative measure.
Webquest : Infectious Disease | ||||
Teacher Name: Mr. Kopf | ||||
Student Name: ________________________________________ | ||||
CATEGORY | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Clarity and Neatness | Powerpoint is easy to read and all elements are so clearly written, labeled, or drawn that another student could create the presentation if necessary. | Powerpoint is easy to read and most elements are clearly written, labeled, or drawn. Another person might be able to create the presentation after asking one or two questions. | Powerpoint is hard to read with rough drawings and labels. It would be hard for another person to create this presentation without asking lots of questions. | Powerpoint is hard to read and one cannot tell what goes where. It would be impossible for another person to create this presentation without asking lots of questions. |
Use of Time | Used time well during each class period (as shown by observation by teacher, and completion of notes, PP, and documents) with no adult reminders. | Used time well during most class periods (as shown by observation by teacher, and completion of notes, PP, and documents) with no adult reminders. | Used time well (as shown by observation by teacher and completion of notes, PP, and documents), but required adult reminders on one or more occasions to do so. | Used time poorly (as shown by observation by teacher and/or completion of notes, PP, and documents) in spite of several adult reminders to do so. |
Cooperation | Worked cooperatively with partner all the time with no need for adult intervention. | Worked cooperatively with partner most of time but had a few problems that the team resolved themselves. | Worked cooperatively with partner most of the time, but had one problem that required adult intervention. | Worked cooperatively with partners some of the time, but had several problems that required adult intervention. |
Spelling & Grammar | No spelling or grammatical mistakes on a Powerpoint with required elements. | No spelling or grammatical mistakes on Powerpoint with 1 missing element. | One spelling or grammatical error on the Powerpoint with missing elements. | Several spelling and/or grammatical errors on the Powerpoint with missing elements. |
Content | All content is in the students\' own words and is accurate. | Almost all content is in the students\' own words and is accurate. | At least half of the content is in the students\' own words and is accurate. | Less than half of the content is in the students\' own words and/or is accurate. |
Required Elements | Powerpoint included all required elements as well as a few additional elements. | Powerpoint included all required elements and one additional element. | Powerpoint included all required elements. | One or more required elements was missing from the Powerpoint. |
Date Created: Feb 21, 2016 10:37 pm (CST) | ||||
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